- To operationally manage the staff, budget and activities within Adult Social care in order to ensure it meets its service and financial objectives.
- To be the budget holder for the designated assessment services to ensure budgets are managed efficiently and effectively to provide best value for money and the optimum possible level of service operating within the terms of the Councils Constitution, Financial regulations and Standing Orders and ensure effective spend against priorities and targets.
- To implement legislative, statutory and regulatory requirements across the service and manage the quality assurance framework to ensure a safe and effective service.
- To lead the preparation for peer challenge or other relevant inspection regimes for the assessment service.
- To develop annual service and improvement plans that are based on achieving outcomes for adults with reference to identified performance indicators.
- To work as a member of the Adults senior management team in developing strategies, policies and plans to achieve better outcomes for users and carers.
- To manage employees in accordance with the Council's policies and procedures including effective supervision and appraisal and the
identification of development programmes forfrontline managers, workload management and strong collaborative working practices.
- To maintain and develop strong collaborative working practices amongst the workforce and multi-agency partners.
- To promote the Council's commitment to the users and carers in service planning and delivery to ensure a responsive and effective service
- To support and facilitate consultation with employees, Elected Members or members of the public
- To carry out capability and disciplinary investigations where appropriate and to respond effectively to service users' complaints and where appropriate act as adjudicating officer to ensure continuous improvement in the services
- To ensure that Elected Members are sighted on operational and strategic issues, within the scope of the post holder's role
- To promote equality of opportunity, learning and organisational development to create and maintain the skills and competences required to deliver an effective collaborative service
- To identify and communicate to the Service Director any risks to the work, reputation or interests of the Council and undertake effective risk management on behalf of the Council
- To ensure that health and safety policies and procedures are understood, implemented and monitored to ensure that health and safety standards are met
- To be part of the out of hours senior management rota to give management oversight and advice on critical decisions and make immediate safeguarding decision to the Council's out of hours
service (Emergency Duty Team) on behalf of children and adult services.
- Such other responsibilities allocated which are appropriate to the grade of the post.